Thursday, August 19, 2010

D Day (Detroit that is)

D Day has arrived - thought it would be LA Day, but for some reason the Californians are being flown 5 hours east in order to take a 19 hour trip west to the Philippines!

Stayed at the plush Westin hotel and had a fabulous roommate - Elizabeth, who will be going to Coastal Management. We hit it off and bonded with a few other Detroit folks. Had a great 'staging' with about 40 of the 75 folks in Detroit (another 70 staged in Philly at the same time). Formed groups of 8 and trekked to the airport - carting our 80+ pounds of luggage - OMG, I need a sherpa. Finally got all the confusion dealt with at the check in counter and then waited and waited (first a gate change, then the landing gear needed replacement, then someone didn't get on in time and had to find his luggage and recheck in...thankfully not a PCV) and took off 2 hours late. Landed in Nagoya, Japan after 12 hours and then reboarded for the 3.5 hour trip to Manila.

Incredible logistical performance by the Philippines Peace Corps group - literally tons of luggage and busloads of folks. Arrived at the Island Cove resort - a little island in Manila Bay - around 1pm to cheers of the PC staff. Had a 'snack' and then collected luggage, posted to Facebook and went to bed around 2am. Up at 6am for a day of orientation - again pretty impressive with such a huge group: 143 Trainees who hope to become Volunteers on November 7th, after meeting all the criteria - including a 30 minute conversation in another language - at the intermediate level. It appears that there are few linguists in this group, so I have a chance!!

Great thunder at the moment - it is the rainy season now ...through December...and I'm off to walk in the cool rain to dinner. Early to bed tonight since it's up at 6am again tomorrow!

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