Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Amazing ESPs of Palawan's Multicab Drivers

Extra Sensory Powers (ESP) are attributes that many of the drivers of the "multicabs" and larger jeepneys possess here on Palawan (and elsewhere in the Philippines as well).  Along with the many cultural issues that baffle me - this causes me continuing wonder.

First, I will address the Heightened Sensory Powers (HSP) of the Senses of Sight and Hearing before moving on to their Extra Sensory Powers.


The Multicab stop in front of Jollibee, and one of Puerto's traffic lights
(which mostly just flashes yellow)

On Palawan, drivers have an easier time than in a multi highway city - we only have one major highway going north and south, the entire length of the island, although I've not seen but two traffic lights for cross traffic, so it's not 'easy'.

Theoretically the highway has one lane in either direction, although at any given time there can be 4-8 vehicles spread out on the highway moving in one direction, or 4 vehicles moving in each direction - although not in a straight line....but, rather, jockeying for position....but in a very different manner than say, NYC or Florence, Italy.  I finally understand the "Oriental driver" - of whom innumerable jokes are made in the States.

I have seen only two drivers say anything in anger toward another driver - and even then, no gestures were used - the driver got very close to the other and actually said something to him - perhaps, "That was rather rude of you to not let me merge."    Certainly nothing like the anger and road rage I've experienced in Texas and California - including a driver following me miles home (well, I did flip him off, but, still...).  The amazing thing is that all drivers here (except the foreigners and some women) merge - it is truly like watching a dance - a beautiful flowing ballet, with ebb and flow.  The only problems occur when a foreigner mucks things up by becoming aggressive - that totally spoils the flow and beauty, and causes traffic accidents.  Like other dances, the steps are not apparent to me - and I'm glad that I am not driving.

"Road" is an ill-defined concept - it could mean a rutted pathway to take to get to a true "road" (one that is mostly solid packed dirt - except during the rainy season - like now, when mini-lakes and rivers replace the "road" - rest assured, your transportation will still deposit you at your door, but you may be quite splashed with mud when you arrive).  Often, the "road" is quite long, and changes from rocks to rutted earth, to a mixture, to macadam (aka asphalt), and in no particular sequence repeats this composition several times from the highway to your home.  I have significant bruises on my body from the 8 peso trike ride from the highway to my house in Bountiful Village (perhaps the major cause being that the trikes are Pilipino sized, and my body has to sit partially on rebar, and decidedly off-center in order to fit 4 passengers and the trike driver).   Oh dear,  I meant to stay on the topic of the Multicab and Jeepney drivers - NOT the trike drivers, who are a totally different ENNEAGRAM type.

Back to the Multicab driver and his great sense of Sight:  Not only does he have to watch for potential clients as he drives along the road, but there is a very subtle language between driver and potential passenger.  If someone standing at the side of the road puts his arm out, palm cupped and downward facing - and moves it quickly from slightly above his waist to a position parallel with his leg - that means he wants the multicab to stop for him - emphatically so.  If, however, he is chatting with his girlfriend, the driver must be exacting enough to note if the client's eyebrows raise up and down once - that also means he wants the multicab to stop.  The boyfriend who wants to stay with his girlfriend and does not wish a ride so signifies with an almost imperceptible shake of the head, that can look like a twitch to the uninitiated, and if the driver misses that cue, the boyfriend can take one hand (without interrupting anything else) and wobble it back and forth, which also means NO, I do not want a ride!  So, the Driver has excellent vision and reaction times, just in picking up his clients.

Note the blue seats for 4-5 per side

Although, his Eyesight is usually excellent, you will rarely see anyone driving at night - there are no road lights anywhere and the road is curvy and cliffy and lakey - a multitude of dangers.  One of the worst is that the vehicles have no lights - it boggles me to be taken home at 10pm, and there is no light on the front of the the driver sees anything is beyond me.

The Sense of Hearing 

This is the one sense of the Multicab Driver that I marvel at repeatedly.  Picture a rickety old multicab - well, here is a picture of me in the front cab with the driver to give you a sense of the state of some multicabs.  This is a picture I took whilst riding in the cab, beside the driver - well, you get the point that it's not state of the art equipment.

This one isn't so bad - the driver isn't distracted by the radio - because he has obviously removed it (or someone else did).  But, when the radio is going, there are 12 people in an 8 person multicab, carrying a clucking cock (for cock-fighting), and two babies crying, and 4 of the 12 are giggling school girls, it is just not easy to hear - anything.  I think that Pilipinos have an innate extrasensory sense of hearing - the driver can hear the smallest voice from the far back corner of the multicab (behind the cock, the babies and the school girls), when she says, "Tabi na lang, po" (which means, please stop at the side of the road now, sir).  I've done several observations of this, and with only one driver (perhaps he had foreign blood), did I ever see a driver miss what a passenger called out - EXCEPT when it was me!!!  My daughters always say I talk too loud - but the drivers don't hear me - it takes a tiny woman sitting next to me to say, "Tabi lang, daw" (meaning, "She said to stop here") - and the multicab stops immediately, which makes me laugh every time.  Similarly, I enunciate clearly, and the driver cannot understand me - I try 2-3 times, and then someone else says "Tiniguiban" or "Tumbaga Road" for me - and he gets it immediately!

The other amazing attributes aren't really senses, but the driver's ability to integrate so many things at once - on a continuous basis....aka
Extra Sensory Powers

Each multicab specifies its route on the front of the cab:  Santa Monica, WPU and Pajara; San Jose, New Market; Irawan; Sicsican; Santa Lourdes; City Hall and PSU;  On a typical one way trip, people get on and off the multicab regularly - perhaps 20 people total in a vehicle that seats regular turnover.  When you get on the multicab, you can either pay immediately, or not.  When you get close to your stop, usually you ask to pay - "Bayad, po" and either are close enough to hand your money to the driver (whose hand extends backwards over his shoulder to take your coin), or, you say, "Paki abot" (Please pass this) to another passenger, and your coin can undulate its way through several palms to arrive at the driver.  Many people do not pay with exact fare - perhaps most.  Thus, the Driver needs to remember where you got on, compute the fare from that point to where you say you want to go, accept your money, do the math computations to figure out the change he owes you - make the change (he holds P20 notes between each of the fingers of his left hand and has P1, P5 and P10 coins on his dashboard in a mixed pile) and pass it over his shoulder to whoever's hands are waiting to pass the change back to you.  And - the entire time, this man is driving, avoiding people lingering in the middle of the road, or a goat trailing it's lead rope, scouting for new passengers, and laughing at a joke the passenger in the cab made!!   And, listening to other passengers call, Tabi lang po!, and stop for them.  It boggles my mind - I would put a Pilipino multicab driver up against a NYC taxi driver ANY day!  And, the best thing about the Multicab Drivers - they are the Nicest, Most Relaxed Guys around....Probably a 2, with 9 wings on the ENNEAGRAM scale!.

No, Really?     Yes, this is typical for longer rides!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Planned Activities - My Plan vs. Reality and "What Could Have Been"

Each Quarter, there is a place on our VRF (Volunteer Report Form) to list our plans for the upcoming months.

Note the 1st Quarter report where I enthusiastically detail the plans by month.

The 2nd Quarter report goes through those listed and notes - YES or NO, with a preponderance of NO...and a note saying that there is no use planning (or maybe I decided not to say it quite that way...I think I did delete that before submitting).

The 3rd Quarter gives only generalities of what might (or might not) happen.

I guess that means that I am acclimating to the culture???  

I can only wonder what my next, 4th Quarter plan will look like!!!

Planned Activities

What primary assignment area or activities do you intend to undertake in the next few months? You will see your previous period's Planned Activities copied here as a reminder. Please replace these with comments on previously planned activities and your future planned activities.

1st Quarter Report - Wow was I enthusiastic!!!
Complete website - ONGOING
Submit 4 grant proposals (Pilippinas Shell; Malampaya; Abilis, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of PPC) - NO
Submit partnering application to PhilDev to access international donors - NO
Visit Aborlan and incorporate them into Community Based SPED Program- NO
Implement the Behavior Plan with teachers - NO
Implement the Picture Communication System in the Classroom - JUNE
Complete Individual and Classroom Visual Schedules = NO
With the Psychologist, develop and write curricula based on Developmental Therapy - NO (SHE LEFT)
Invite the Mayor to our 2/10 award ceremony with Asian Cosmetics Corporation and send him briefing on NGO-YES
Walk in the 2/13 Love Affair with Nature walk in PPC - YES
Skype 1st conference call 2/12 with NPCVA as founding member of Serving Advisory Committee - YES
Print out the 50 page Teacher Resource Notebook completed in January - YES
Send out the 1st Newsletter no later than the first week in Feb. -YES
Compose Operations Manual for submission to the DSWD - DECEMBER
Compose Policies and Procedures of daily operation - NO
Visit other NGOs and schools - especially SPED (e.g., Aloha, Bahatala, Salve Regina and El Vira) - NO
Find house to rent and move out by end of March at latest; purchase bicycle - YES!

Continue training teachers at weekly staff meetings - NO
Improve contact with Mayor - NO
Complete Operations Manual/submit to DSWD - NO, NOW DECEMBER
Prepare template for future grant writing with standardized names and logos of programs - NO
Hold first Parent Training on Autism - PARTIAL
Break ground on new Vocational/Livelihood organic garden - NO
Meet with Mayor, who has promised funds for the Resource Center - NO
Re-energize Parent Association and enlist their help in Livelihood projects - NO
Begin Tourism Arts Livelihood Project with Parent Association assistance - NO
Host Psychologist talk with our teachers regarding violent behavior and autism - NO
Host Sam West for 3 days of presentation on Play/Art Therapy to ABSnet and 2 days curriculum development with Taw-Kabui - YES!!
National Week Mental Retardation - speaker - NO
Request master teacher volunteer from Australia - hopefully with violent behavior experience - NO
Finish my US income tax return! - YES!!

UN Autism Awareness 4/2 - NO
If we receive projector donation, begin Discrete Video Modeling Program - NO
Teacher retreat to El Nido - NO
Missionary visit with potential donor - NO
Attend PDM with Mon in Manila and take following week to work with website developer in Olongapo and visit 2-3 NGOs who offered to help us and also meet UN contact in Manila - PDM AND WEBSITE YES; OTHERS NO

1st week visits around Olongapo - NO
Pursue UN contact Manila - NO
Celebrate 60th birthday - TOMORROW!
With PSU and WPU, compose formal Social Work practicum curriculum - NO
Add next 7 students to Developmental Behavior Plan - parent intake sessions - NO

School in session
Guest speaker WPU Aborlan - NO
Guest speaker Remnant University, PPC - NO
Special Olympics of PPC - organize with other NGOs/schools serving SPED students - NO
National Disability Week - 3rd week - tie to Special Olympics - NO
Finalize 2nd Newsletter for publication in July - TO BE WRITTEN

2nd Qtr Report   May, 2011 Update:  Now to the disillusioned state of mind 
See Lessons Learned prior segment above
Most of the things that I thought I would be doing are not going anywhere . I have found it extremely disappointing and frustrating to plan things. So, now I am taking things as they come and doing the best I can. I am not in the loop at all and don't expect to be; however, I question if there is even a loop. When an opportunity presents itself, I will act, but the wonderful plans listed above on the first report were all things that I could have done...but they just won't happen. I am concentrating on the moment from now on.

3rd QuarterAugust, 2011:  
My disappointment and frustration still are evident, but I'm back to moving forward rather than adopting the 'bahala na' attitude of 2nd quarter.                                                                                                                                                  My sentiments above still stand - very disappointed about many things that 'could have been.' Not things I wanted, but things that people told/tell me they want and need. Yet, they don't seem to know how to follow things through, or plan for them - even when I lay everything out for them. Just not in the culture - and there is a detriment to not planning. I wish Americans and Pilipinos could do a mind-meld and blend their values and cultures so that neither is so extreme. Coming here was a breath of fresh air for me - emotions and relationships at the forefront. But, focusing on those alone detracts from getting things done that would improve the future. So, the future doesn't happen - or, happens with little thought.

My newest plan for TK is to link them with as many forward-thinking people and organizations as possible so that they are really encouraged to look at things and move forward with a plan. However, no one is looking at the funding, which still is amazing to me - the bahala na attitude needs to be dealt with - but not by me.

I plan to talk with Mitra to see what he thinks and if he can help with business planning sessions - in concert with the Chamber.

To keep talking with folks at the Chamber who have told me they will help TK - although TK is never ready to be helped - they never continue with a project so that someone can commit to them. I need help with communicating this to them somehow. They have started 3 or 4 livelihood projects and when I start to help promote them - they tell me "we aren't doing that any more." Doesn't make me (or anyone else) want to help them if they can't stick with something.  Two people have asked them for the jewelry product to put in their stores - but they haven't produced a finished product!  Boggling to me.

To work with committed parents on Palawan to form both a Parents Group and the Special Olympics.

To work with the Social Workers to improve their business English and thesis submissions.

To work with the Church Youth to submit a proposal for the Youth Camp and then have it built with a PDO from the Peace Corps

To submit a proposal for large scale funding of the Palawan SPED Resource Center

To work with the Mango Growers Association so that they are a sustainable entity (website, newsletter, logo, etc).

To work with the Chamber on whatever projects they wish.

Or, to quote a favorite movie line (Galaxy Quest - Trekkies really should watch it),
"Never give up - Never surrender!"

Wow - So cool - Mango Growers Association in the Press!

PIA Press Release
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Conditional lifting of mango quarantine sought

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, August 9 (PIA) -- The conditional lifting of the Palawan mango quarantine is being sought in a provincial resolution authored by the Provincial Board Member Derrick Pablico, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources.
The resolution appeals to Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Proceso J. Alcala to favorably act on the petition of the Mango Growers Association of Palawan which urges for the regulated or conditional lifting of the mango quarantine.
The quarantine on all Palawan mangoes is in effect by virtue of the Special Quarantine Administrative Order No. 20 of the Bureau of Plant Industry issued in 1987.
The quarantine was imposed at the start of the mango pulp weevil infestation which was affecting the southern municipalities of the province. The quarantine restricts until today the transport and marketing of locally-produced mangoes outside of the province.
The resolution reasons that recent scientific and technological breakthroughs in the mango pulp weevil research attest to the fact that the infestation can be controlled and pest-free verification and certification of Palawan mangoes is already possible.`
Scientifically known as Sternochetus frigidus (Fabr), mango pulp weevil is that “wormy” thing found inside the mango fruit that burrows and attacks the flesh of the fruit. There are no signs of the weevil on the outside of the fruit. The pest is found only in Palawan in the Philippines, and in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.
The petitioner, Mango Growers Association of Palawan, has an inventory of 248,000 mature mango trees in the entire province which produce only 20-25% of their potential yield because growers have limited market due to the quarantine.
The 24-year quarantine has already resulted to billion-peso losses in income and thousands in potential jobs.
The association is also seeking for the establishment of integrated mango processing/packing center to ensure the non-destructive screening and certification of mango pulp weevil-free fruits.

The provincial resolution is now under study in the Committee on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources and Committee on Rules and Laws. (vsm/pia-palawan)

YES!!!!      I am empowering and helping to effect change!!  YAHOO!!!