Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is the Philippines??? Riding the bus from Sagada to Manila via Baguio

The Day After, 2011 (Turkey Day, that is)
I had decided not to join the group going to the Sagada caves, although I was sad to miss the hanging coffins - it sounds so 'me' - but wading through cold water in a cave didn't sound practical, given I'd contracted some virus...I've gotten more cautious over here - not a germaphobe, but treatment here for simple things is not quite reassuring,  Plus, the memory of Batad was magical and I was satisfied with that.  So, I clumped down from the third floor and found left-over mashed potatoes for breakfast; waddling out the door to hike down the hill to the highway where I hoped to catch the 9am bus.  I couldn't quite believe it - the bus stopped for me; the driver lugging my backpack and stuffing it above my seat - at 9:03am!! was the rest of the trip from Sagada to Baguio.

I had only brought sandals and capris, but had my fleece jacket and blankets to warm me in the crisp air that threatened rain.  We set off and quickly remembered transportation in the Philippines.  I'm not sure why we are on the left side of the road in this picture - except that the other driver decided that it should be us who plummeted over the cliff and not him.  The buses passed with perhaps 3 inches to spare.

But, the views were gorgeous - the rice terraces filled with water, 
       and the mountain range stretching in the beaches here!

Even in the rain and cold climate, people hang their laundry to dry...possibly for quite a while!

One of our first stops was in the fog at the top of a mountain - a village called Mountain Home.  The wind was blowing and it was sprinkling.  I couldn't find the famous Mountain Tea to purchase, but bought a siopao (asado) and went to the CR (the sign said 5 pesos to pee and 5 pesos to poop...don't know why they had to make the distinction - I mean it was the same price)

This little sari-sari was tended by two women - you can see one sitting at the left with a head wrap - and one on the right with a woolen ski hat!  Yes, it was that cold - in the Philippines!!
The rain started to mar the windows, but I noted the Billiard Hall
and then we were back to appreciating nature

in a BIG way....
where now and again, the sun shone on the lush hillsides and incredible mountainous backdrop.

The scenery was lovely, and even the homes here looked nicer and sturdier than in other provinces - but perhaps they need heavier weather protection 

Just like picking me up on the side of the road, the bus lets off people wherever they ask - for this man, right at his front door.

This may seem a funny sign, but I have never seen so many people spitting in my life!  And I'm talking about beautiful young women who hawk up a gob and spit it out - yuck.  I wonder if this sign works?

I loved this church and was going to photoshop the picture - then decided I liked the juxtaposition.

Still in the Mountain Province, but far from Sagada - this was obviously market day - but I'm not used to seeing parkas and caps on folks!

Every purchase at every stall is put in a small plastic bag, usually colored, and you carry around maybe five of these...unless you have brought a larger bag of your own.

During the holiday season these Mandarin oranges
(in the crates) are in great demand, and are delicious.
I know I've said before that although "English" is spoken here, it is a very different language than what we speak.  This is an example - what would you say this shop does?  You find them in every town.

I took this picture for Katie - one of only a handful of horses I've seen here.

I took this picture for Stephanie and her dad - his style, half a world away - but no sheep!

                                                 and we climbed...
looking out onto a range that reminded me of Yosemite Valley

It was just glorious!

Oops - when accidents happen here, they can be spectacular.  I've seen two motorcyclists crash head-on (two separate incidents), a drunken trike driver take a turn too sharply and upend in a stream, and this...and no one was badly hurt!
But, with such accidents, you knew you were getting close to a city - Baguio, where I had to change buses - the stations were really far apart...a 10 minute trike ride.  I had wanted to explore Baguio, but as we got to the 2nd station a bus was on its way out to Manila...and I hopped aboard.

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